Thursday, October 4, 2007

***Show Rankings***

Heres the final rankings of the shows, in order. I tweaked them a bit, hindsight being 20/20. Also added in San Diego and TJ shows. These are completely relative to my taste, 10 being perfect show, 0 being worst possible show. Again, this reflects only my values as to what make a show good and not.

Che Cafe - San Diego
Score: 9.5

S.S. Marie Antoinette - Seattle
Score: 8.9

Spazzatorium Gallaria (house show) - Greenville
Score: 8.9

Cumberland's - Charleston
Score: 8.7

The Cake Shop - New York
Score: 8.6

Gloria's - Tijuana
Score: 8.5

Hollywood Alley - Mesa
Score: 8.5

Rhinoceropolis - Denver
Score: 8.2

The Note - Chicago
Score: 8.1

Muse Music - Provo
Score: 7.9

The Reverb Bar - Cedar Falls
Score: 7.8

Harper's Ferry - Boston
Score: 7.7

Neurolux - Boise
Score: 7.5

Super Happy Fun Land (1) - Houston
Score: 7.0

L'Absinthe - Montreal
Score: 6.9

Oleaver's Pub - Omaha
Score: 6.8

The Star Bar - Atlanta
Score: 6.7

Make Out Room - San Fransisco
Score: 6.5

The Prospector - Long Beach
Score: 6.4

Edinburgh Castle Pub - San Fransisco
Score: 6.3

Rotture - Portland
Score: 5.8

House Show - Mobile
Score: 5.4

Otto's - Delkalb
Score: 5.0

The Blind Mule - Mobile
Score: 4.9

Dragon's Den - New Orleans
Score: 4.9

Super Happy Fun Land (2) - Houston
Score: 4.8

Troubadour Saloon - Austin
Score: 4.5

The Fire - Philadelphia
Score: 3.5

The Red and The Black - Washington DC
Score: 2.6

The Big Bop - Toronto
Score: 0.4

Average score: 6.25
Median score: 6.85

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